International Design Competition
2020, ongoing
Tirana, Albania
Tirana Municipality
baukuh, Johnston Marklee, Matilde Cassani, Bollinger Grohmann, Abkons company
18.000 m²
We propose the new Tirana City Hall to be surrounded by a large public garden, defined by a pergola extending across the site. The pergola is six meters high and hosts a large variety of plants, chosen according to local climatic conditions, blossoming periods, and colors.
The botanical selection creates a spectacular scenography of flowers, fruits, colors, smells and shapes. The pergola will be an ever-changing platform of vegetation, mutating according to the rhythm of the seasons and defining an environment in which the coexistence of people, plants and wildlife assumes a new symbolic and civic role; where the time of the city is measured against the natural succession of the seasons.
The pergola provides much-needed shade that allows the open space to be used throughout the entire year, particularly during the long and hot summers that have an average temperature above 20° C from June to September.
The pergola defines a colossal metropolitan foyer (ca.15,000 sqm) hosting outdoor activities and events, and providing access to the three main elements of the City Hall: the Council Chamber, the Auditorium and the office tower.
images, from top to bottom:
1. Site plan with details of the botanic selection
2. Herbarium
3. View of the main entrance
4. View under the pergola
5. Nocturnal view